26 Seconds

By Jolanie · Feb 16, 2024

Picture this, one evening after a very exhausting day, I drew myself a warm bubbly bath. I needed to relax and gather myself after the day, now normally I would shower due to water saving, but I needed a bath.  I am sure you know what I mean. I even lit a few candles, put on my favorite music, and I sunk into the warm fragrant water.  Just as I was about to get out, I remembered I bought a new skin product a few days ago, I grab it, ah yes, skin oil. Wonderful just what I needed. Quite pleased with myself I lean back a bit and read the bottle again:  "100% organic **** oil. My mind and body relax again, and I flip the bottle over and as I am leisurely scanning the back label, I read the ingredients. Yes, there is the above-mentioned oil in this product, and it might be 100% organic, but that is most definitely not the only ingredient, and as I read, my anger arose. Angry at myself. I should have read better in the shop. I flip the bottle over again, and all that is mentioned on the front label is this natural oil. I thought I was buying something natural and good for my skin, but instead I would be putting more chemicals on my skin, than I could recite out loud in 2 minutes.  

Why does this bother me so much? In my small circle of friends and family, we had three breast cancer diagnosis. Three. One my age, one slightly older and one mature lady.  I have watched how hard they fought to get better, how much their bodies were put through just to survive. And I know that what you put on your skin affects your health and body as much as what you put in your mouth. It is said that your skin absorbs around 50-60% of what you put onto it with in 26 seconds.  Yes within 26 seconds, some of what you have put on your skin is in your bloodstream, flowing through your body. Now not all ingredients are absorbed completely or equally. But this is still not a risk I was willing to take. I would much rather use natural and safe products, than risk a little bit of nasty chemicals every day in my skincare. 

 So, it was right there at that moment, I decided I would offer every person the opportunity to purchase good, clean skincare products at an affordable price. I am transparent regarding our ingredients, and I keep the cost as low as possible, because this is more than just a business, this is your health.  I use glass containers as far as possible for storage and products sold, to ensure no plastic nasties enter our products. 

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